How to Apply for Services


Early Start Referrals (Ages 0 to 3)

Infants and toddlers under the age of 3 are referred to VMRC by doctors, preschools, hospitals, family members, child care centers/providers, etc.  This is considered to be an Early Start referral because the child is under 3 years of age.  The child will be referred directly to an Early Start Intake Coordinator who begins the eligibility determination process. It is important to meet legally-mandated timelines so that the child and family can begin receiving services as soon as possible.

Ages Three and Up (Lanterman) Referrals

People over age 3 are referred to VMRC by schools, hospitals, doctors, other families, etc.  When they or their families contact VMRC, persons three years of age or older are assigned an Intake Coordinator whose job is to acquaint the applicant and his/her family with VMRC and its services, coordinate the diagnostic and eligibility determination process.


Who to Contact for Services:
To refer a child or adult for an assessment of eligibility:

In San Joaquin County call our Stockton Office:

(209) 955-3281 for under age 3 (Early Start Services)

(209) 955-3209 for over age 3 (Lanterman Act Services)

In Stanislaus County call our Modesto Office:

(209) 557-5619 for under age 3 (Early Start Services)

(209) 557-2197 for over age 3 (Lanterman Act Services)

In Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne County call our San Andreas Office:

(209) 674-6535 for both under age 3 (Early Start Services) AND over age 3 (Lanterman Act Services)