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Consumers Feel Empowered (& Supported)

The Goal

Individuals are empowered and supported in all aspects of life to define, lead and succeed in their own lives.

Specific Strategies

VMRC will empower consumers to define and pursue life on their own terms.

  • VMRC will promote and engage consumers (and families) in envisioning and planning Life Trajectory.
  • VMRC will support individual consumer empowerment.
  • VMRC will promote strength-based decision making and supported decision making.
  • VMRC will improve Service Coordinators’ ability to support Consumers/Families, VMRC will work to help lower Service Coordinator caseloads.VMRC will continue building and developing community support for Consumers/Families.
  • VMRC will support individual engagement and ownership of their own lives, VMRC will work to ensure Consumers have a home.
  • VMRC will support the unique characteristics, culture, ethnicity, language, and sexual and gender identification of each Consumer/Family, VMRC will seek to develop and deepen diverse and culturally competent services both provided and purchased by the regional center.
  • Outcome Deliverables and Measures

    Throughout the three-year, July 2021- June 2024, term for which this Strategic Plan addresses, Valley Mountain Regional Center will work specifically on the Strategies referenced on the previous page, as well as systemic efforts already in place to help address this focus area. While the end measure of our success is for the people we serve to truly live have the powers of choice and possibility, VMRC will assess our progress of our efforts to address community living and the specific strategies outlined based on the below measures, which will be reported to the Board of Directors and our community annually

    Outcome Measures

    Outcome MeasureBaseline202220232024
    Number of Consumers with Person-Centered Plans0
    Number of Participants attending Self-Determination Program Orientations0
    Number enrolled in Self-Determination Program60
    The IPP/IFSP planning process in focusing on you (your family’s) unique needs and wants. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey)0
    Service Coordinator treating you with dignity and respect (Consumer Satisfaction Survey4.01
    Your relationship with your service coordinator. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey3.80
    VMRC staff listening to you. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey)3.79
    The IPP/IFSP planning process in focusing on you (your family’s) unique needs and wants. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey)3.64
    Your service coordinator taking into account your (your family’s) languages, traditions, and background when helping you design your plan. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey)3.83
    Consumers/Families feel Empowered. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey, new metric0
    Consumers/Families feel Supported. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey, new metric)0
    Consumers/Families Feel Supported by completing Personal Profiles (Consumer Satisfaction Survey, new metric0
    Consumers/Families have the ability to make life decisions. (Consumer Satisfaction Survey, new metric0
    Consumers/Families are encouraged and supported to envision a future of their choosing/a life of their own design. (Consumer Satisfaction
    Survey, new metric)
    Number of SCs receive training on Person Centered ThinkingStaff – 90%
    Vendors – 10%
    Service Coordinator Case Load Ratios1:83