Notice of Request for Proposal
To Interested Persons

Project Type: Community Integration (Social Recreation) Grant Opportunity
Deadline for Submission: December 5, 2022

Description of Project:
VMRC shares the Department of Developmental Services vision , that children and adolescents with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) will develop friendships from opportunities provided by integrated and inclusive social and recreational programs.

In an effort to promote social recreational opportunities for persons supported by VMRC, those who are ages 3-21 years of age; VMRC encourages (but not limited to) the following applicants to respond to this request for proposal:

• Community based organizations
• Religious organizations
• Private recreational businesses or studios (i.e., dance, karate, performance arts, ballet, art)
• YMCA, Boy’s and Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts
• County and city parks and recreation departments
• Public and private camps
• After school programs

Scope of Service:
The service shall:
• Improve accessibility of integrated social and recreational programs that are person-centered and culturally and linguistically responsive to the beliefs, values and choices of children and adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
• Utilize and leverage existing community resources to enhance and develop integrated and inclusive social and recreational programs that are safe and age appropriate; and
• Increase the number of RC vendored providers that offer integrated and inclusive social and recreational services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

VMRC will host a virtual informational session to support potential applicants and to entertain questions about this unique opportunity- via Microsoft Teams on November 9, 2022 , from 3-4 PM
Register Here to attend the Information Session,YC_Mgt4-hkqGliiSVaoEgQ,EGo-vrUcSU-9szTPYQ72OQ,2Dm7JZ4paEu9LnbGAsPjTw,lYPeyIqwDk-Ro0wj0eWj3Q,0fk-9-kgdUiIKqRzKIRkfw?mode=read&tenantId=0a72eae7-a3b6-4b19-8f86-4acf328bbd15

Application Package: (all items must be included)


The full Community Integration (Social Rec) Grants webpage and additional references , resources can be found here:
including directives related to restoration of social rec and camping, definition of terms and project types

Costs for Proposal Submission:
Applicants responding to this Request for Proposal shall bear all costs associated with the development and submission of their RFP Application Packet. No costs shall be charged to VMRC, the Department of Developmental Services, or the State of California.

RFP Application Packets must be received no later than December 5, 2022. Application Packets will be stamped with the date and time of receipt. Time and date stamps and postmarks after December 5, 2022, at 5:00 P.M. will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant.

Submit to:
[email protected]
Brian L. Bennett
Director of Community Services (209) 955-3309
Valley Mountain Regional Center
By mail to: PO Box 692290, Stockton, CA 95269-2290
Or deliver to 702 N. Aurora St, Stockton, CA 95202

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